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Python Continue

Python continue keyword is used to skip the execution of the current iteration of a loop upon fulfilment of some condition and continue to the next iteration. As a developer, you may use the continue keyword to skip code execution, makes it jump back to the top of the loop, and continue with the next item. Read More

Python Break

The loop executes the statement inside the body without skipping any line of the code. As a developer, you may require to terminate the loop upon fulfilment of some condition. The Python break statement is used to move the execution control outside the loop. Whenever the control reaches a break statement, the executed loop gets terminated, and the control points to the next line of code immediately after the loop. Read More

Python While Loop

The while loop executes a block of code until a given condition is True. First, it checks the condition before executing the block of code. If the condition is True, it executes the block of code. It then again goes back to check the condition, and the process goes on until the condition becomes False. Read More

Python For Loop

Loops in Python allow the programmer to execute a piece of code a certain number of times depending on a given condition. If the condition becomes False, the execution of the loop is terminated. There are two types of Loops in Python, For Loop and While Loop. We can use the break statement to end the execution of the loop early. Read More

Python Loops

Loops in Python allow the programmer to execute a piece of code a certain number of times depending on a given condition. If the condition becomes False, the execution of the loop is terminated. There are two types of Loops in Python, For Loop and While Loop. We can use the break statement to end the execution of the loop early. Read More

Python If else

Conditional Statements are special operations in Python that evaluate either the True or False state of the condition. The condition statement enables the program to make some decisions, which means how to answer each response that it gets. It is not possible to track all outcomes before, and these conditional statements are there to rescue. Different conditional statement options are available in Python and can work on different programs a developer can code. Read More

Python Literals

>Literals are the fixed values assigned to variables in Python. They're displayed on the screen exactly as they typed in the text editor and can hold multiple lines of text. These have a constant value and data type. In the below example, 21, "hello" and 1.50 are different kinds of literal available in Python. Read More

Python Keywords

Keywords in Python or any other language are some special reserved words that have a predefined meaning to the Interpreter, and that's why keywords can't be used as an identifier in that language. There are many keywords available in the Python language. Read More

Python Operators

Operators are symbols applied to the variables or constants (Operands). Different actions are performed by different operators depending on the type of operands they are applied to. For example, when the '+' is used between two integers like 2 + 3 = 5 Read More

Python Data Types

Python as programming involves a lot of data processing work. The data type features of programming language allow programmers to organize different kinds of data. Python provides a rich collection of data types that can be used to perform the various task the programmer does in another language. Python provides valuable and unique data types such as tuples and dictionaries and avoids the use of pointers that make programming confusing. Python is a dynamically typed language, meaning you don’t have to identify the data type when you initialize a variable explicitly. Data types represent the different types of data(like a numeric value, string, Boolean, etc.) that we can work with. Read More

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