Python Logical Operators

Python Logical Operators take two conditional expressions as operands and return the logical operation as a result. For example

Condition1 = True

Condition2 = False

Condition1 and Condition2 (will return false)

Logical operators that Python supports are

Operators Operations Examples
and Results True if both of the operand expressions are True Else returns False. 3==3 and 4==5 (Returns False)
1<2 and 4>2 (Returns True)
or Returns True if either of the operand expressions is True Else returns False. 3==3 or 4==5 (Returns True)
1<2 or 4>2 (Returns True)
not Returns the inverted expression result. not True (returns False)
not 4==2+1 (returns True)

Bitwise Operators

This performs operations on their operands that change the state of their constituent bits (1s and 0s).

These are the bitwise operators available in Python are:

Operators Operations Examples
& Returns 1 if both the operand bits are 1 Else returns 0. 10101 & 10000 = 10000
11111 & 11001 = 11001
| Returns 1 if either of the Operand bits is 1 Else returns 0. 10101 | 10000 = 10101
11111 | 11001 = 11111
^ Returns 1 if both the operand bits are different (either 1 and 0 or 0 and 1). Returns 0 if both bits are the same. 10101 ^ 10000 = 00101
11111 ^ 11001 = 00110
~ Returns the inverted Operand ~11111 = 00000
~01010 = 10101
>> Shifts all the binary bits of the left operand to the right side as per the number of positions given by the right operand. 8 >> 1 = 4 (1000 >> 1 = 0100)
12 >> 3 = 1 (1100 >> 3 = 0001)
<< Shifts all the binary bits of the left operand to the left side as per the number of positions given by the right operand. 8 << 1 = 16 (1000 << 1 = 10000)
12 << 3 = 96 (1100 << 3 = 1100000)